Thursday, April 30, 2009

Commercial Obsessions

While lately I am not a big television watcher, when I do watch there are things I see that demand a response. The commercial from the Verizon Hub (a communications device that appears to have features that people didn’t even know that they needed) is one of them.

You’ve all probably seen this commercial for the Verizon Hub:

What bothers me most about this commercial is the son’s reaction to paella. Now, I understand that this is a commercial, but at the same time the kid is overplaying the rebellious son card a bit because my mother would have said that if I weren’t eating what she was preparing, I just wouldn’t be eating that night. There would be no pizza in my immediate future; though that is not to say that there were things that I wouldn’t eat.

Head cheese, for example. Too many varied animal parts for my liking. Perhaps if they stuck to just one I could manage to stomach it, but head cheese can contain, feet, tongues and hearts, which sounds more like an anatomy lesson than a meal.

I have also never been a fan of various condiments, such as ketchup (or catsup), because I have never quite understood the logic of it. I mean, aren’t tomatoes good enough for some people? Anywhere you can put ketchup, you can use a tomato, so why bother with a pale substitute?

For awhile I would not eat mayonnaise, though I would eat tuna (which my mom made with tuna, onions, and mayonnaise) so I couldn’t quite find the logic of that particular culinary decision.

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